Advisory board


the purpose of our Board

The GFA has an advisory board consisting of eminent scientists in the field of frankincense and myrrh. The purpose of the Board is to:

  • Help develop the GFA action plan and policy.

  • Ensure GFA maintains an objective, ethical, impartial position vis a vis its stakeholders

  • Review submissions sent to GFA to post onto the website to ensure they are truthful, accurate and non-commercial

  • Agree on the allocation and use of GFA funds and recommend contribution levels


Professor Dr Ahmed Sulaiman Al-Harassi
Professor of Organic Chemistry, Vice Chancellor of Research and Graduate studies, University of Nizwa, Oman

Professor Frans Bongers
Professor of Tropical Forest Ecology, Wageningen University, Netherlands

Mr Josef Brinkmann
Research Fellow, Medicinal Plants and Botanical Supply Chain at Traditional Medicinals, Inc, USA

Dr Anjanette deCarlo
Chief Sustainability Officer, Aromatic Plant Research Centre, USA

Professor Sebsebe Demissew
Professor of Plant systematics and Biodiversity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Executive Director, Gullele Botanic Garden. Member of the Royal Society

Professor Ben-Erik Van Wyk
Professor of Botany, University of Johannesburg, RSA

Professor Amadé Ouédraogo
Professor of Tropical Plant Biology and Ecology, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso